Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Dave & Luci's Legendary Loud Shirt Party

Thursday, August 18, 2005
Blarney Birthday Bash!

My Aussie friend James decided that he would have his birthday celebration at the Blarney Stone this year. Also celebrating Birthdays were Alex (James girlfriend) and Shannen. Many drinks were had before I got there, and more drinks were had after I got there. It was a pretty funny, messy, dribbly night, but then again, they usually are when James is involved.
Hockey Day in Canada
So, this was a pretty exciting event here in Vancouver! And a great kick off to the 2005/2006 NHL season geared to kick off on October 5, 2005 as all 30 teams in the league will play on the same day (can you say hockey overload?). Anyways, Hockey Day in Canada brought 37 top Canadian NHLers who are wanting a spot on Team Canada for the Olympics to be held in Torin (Italy) in February 2006, as well as an intersquad game between the red and white teams of the Canadian World Junior team for Canada. The cool thing? Tix were only $20 and all proceeds went to charity! Thanks for bringing this event to Vancouver!
Rant of the Day
So, it's been a few days since I last ranted. Monday night at GM Place was Hockey Day in Vancouver, an event where Team Canada Olympic hopefuls came to Vancouver for a team practice (we're talking NHLers people), as well as an intersquad game between the red and white teams of our World Juniors 2006 Team Canada. A really great fun evening before the start of the 2005/2006 NHL Hockey Season. Everything was great. Bertuzzi was there (my favorite) as well as 2 other canucks Jovanoski and Morrison, plus 34 additional Canadian NHLers. In search of food I went after the practice. After standing in line for 45 minutes, I made it to the front of the WhiteSpot Counter to be told that they were out of hamburger buns. (NOTE: I REALLY REALLY want a Cheeseburger). Okay, so, now I'm tired and hungry and it's not looking good on the cheeseburger front. One fellow concedes and agrees to make me cheeseburger, but he's going to have it cut in half and stuck in a hot dog bun. Okay, I'm okay with that, I really need to eat at this point. It comes back with no cheese. So, I send it back... again.... At this point, the fellow serving me, rings in my purchase, and charges me full price. Now I ask you, is this fair? Should I pay full price for an item I'm technically not getting? Since then, I've spoken with the head of food and beverage and he's sending me a ton of food coupons for GM Place. I'll keep you posted on how much I receive for my poor service.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Rant of the Day
Originally, this was called "Thought of the Day".... however, I realized that they (my thoughts) were more ranty than thoughty, hence, the title change. Today's rant - Air Care. Okay, so it's my own fault this time, that I didn't read my insurance renewal notice, specifically the portion that said "Air Care - not required". I don't actually have to go until next year (a 3 year exemption on new cars - whoopie), next year, I get to pay $47 dollars for them to test my car and then tell me it's fine and not emitting any harmful emissions. Now, I noticed the signage at Air Care, cars 1991 and older - $23. Cars 1992 and newer - $47. That's double plus $1 if you have a newer car. The guy told me that it's because they "do a different test" on newer cars. Ultimately, the test really only costs $23. So why the price difference between older and newer cars? ICBC had a surplas or a savings (I'm not sure which) of somewhere in the range of 130 billion that we, as people who pay for car insurance, are supposed to benefit from this year. My insurance went up by $2 this year (and so did my discount - do you get it????). You'd think that with all this money saved that ICBC and Air Care could work together to reduce the rates that we have to pay for a test that will tell us whether or not the car is emitting harmful emissions. Phew... glad to have gotten that off my chest.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Thought of the Day
So, the other day I ranted about not being able to figure out how to put a link in under the link section. I believe that I may have been having what my friend Denise refers to as "a pretty day" that day. I'm surprised I was able to operate heavy machinery let alone get out of bed that day. To not understand simple instructions is embarrassing enough. Since then, I have now updated the link section with 2 very cool links (yay me!). The first is to my sister's blog and the 2nd is to my friend Samantha's site (sam for short). Sam's currently in Japan and experiencing many things most of us only ever dream about, so if you get a chance to visit her, please do so. Now, if I can only figure out how to post my photo under the "all about me" section, I'll be a happy camper.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Ladies Night 2005
This is a yearly event. Karen and I have gone together the last 4 or 5 years now. I can't remember, it's all a blur. Basically, you get about 100 horny ladies together in a room with hot, buff guys and free booze and anything can happen. It's a fundraiser for the Burnaby Lake Rugby Club. $50 for the night which includes free drinks from 6-10, plus dinner, plus a bachelor auction, plus a stripper. I think that they can probably do without the stripper as the waiters are all willing to strip for a lot less $$$$. It's heaps of fun, and everyone usually ends up pretty wasted by the end of the night.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
My 2nd thought of the day
This one has to do with the "link" section. I've put my sister Shannen's blogsite under the "post" section as a ... you guessed it... post. Now, what happens when August gets archived because i've added too many pictures? Does that post get archived and it's no longer available as a link for people to click on? I've read those instructions too. They don't make sense either. Okay, so if you're reading this and you want to see Shannen's site, go to and that will take you there. If this is archived and you still want to see her site, check out the post called ... "hey meester... wanna see my seester" and that should put you in the right spot to check her blog out. I don't know why I can't understand this. The instructions don't appear to be that difficult. Normally, I don't even need instructions to figure stuff out. VCR - nope. DVD - not a chance. Cel Phone - not on your life! Blog? - duh....
Thoughts for today
I can't quite seem to figure out how to get a photo of me posted under the "about me" section where people can go to view my complete profile. Normally I'm pretty good at figuring this stuff out all on my own, but for some reason it's not working for me today. I even downloaded this program called "Hello" (friendly, isn't it?) that is supposed to help me with photo hosting, but it didn't send the photo where I wanted it to be sent, and it also didn't provide me with a URL in which to enter into the system to find and download my photo. I'm very confused by this process. I've read the instructions many times, but to no avail. I just can't seem to figure this out. Then, I thought to myself, if people really want to know what I look like, if they are that curious, then I'm hoping that they just check out the blog itself as it seems to have lots of photos of me (as well as other friends and family) so to heck with it. If you're that curious, look at the blog.
Monday, August 08, 2005
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