Thursday, August 11, 2005

Thought of the Day

So, the other day I ranted about not being able to figure out how to put a link in under the link section. I believe that I may have been having what my friend Denise refers to as "a pretty day" that day. I'm surprised I was able to operate heavy machinery let alone get out of bed that day. To not understand simple instructions is embarrassing enough. Since then, I have now updated the link section with 2 very cool links (yay me!). The first is to my sister's blog and the 2nd is to my friend Samantha's site (sam for short). Sam's currently in Japan and experiencing many things most of us only ever dream about, so if you get a chance to visit her, please do so. Now, if I can only figure out how to post my photo under the "all about me" section, I'll be a happy camper.

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